World ocean day

Ocean day

“Planet Ocean: Tides are changing” is the World Ocean Day theme for 2023.
Every year the United Nations adopts a new theme that would help bring awareness on the importance of the oceans in our present existence and our future generations. The World Ocean Day reminds us to be more conscious on protecting and giving the proper recognition of its significance in our lives.

The Oceans provide us with so much in the way of food, medication, transportation, oxygen etc and all living beings depend on it for sustenance. Regardless of where you are in the world or how far away you are from it our lives are dependent on it.

Creative Home Nursery supports this advocacy as a part of the child’s learning. We include in our lesson plans the importance of this particular day for spreading awareness and teaching our little ones on the importance of taking care of the Water Bodies. We explore the wonders of the ocean by engaging them with different hands-on activities, art and crafts, sensory experiences, water play and field trips.

Grasping and understanding the whole concept of the Ocean’s importance should be encouraged at all ages for our future survival. Encouraging everyone to participate in the World Ocean Day Celebrations is our way of making a difference in this generation. So, be a part of this advocacy as we embrace the Wonders of the Oceans.

Ocean day

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